Thursday, 6 June 2013

North Carolina Long Term Care

Genworth Financial, a global financial security and wealth management company, surveyed several key cities in North Carolina to find out the current costs of long term care in the state. Asheville has the most expensive hourly rate for a Medicare-certified home health aide. Residents of Raleigh-Cary have to pay for $4,100, the highest monthly rate for assisted living facility within the state. Burlington has the most costly daily rate for a semi-private nursing home.
The number of North Carolinians needing LTC services has swelled as the senior population continues to enlarge. The North Carolina Long-Term Care Policy Office reported that the state's senior population is increasing faster than the rate of other states, and is projected to balloon at the rate of more than 1.6 million by 2020. The percentage of adults in North Carolina is believed that will have reached the highest rank from 31st to 11th by 2025.
Baby boomers require LTC services compared to any other adults. Most baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) might have lost contact with family members, or there's no family member who is might be willing to render care. This is the end result of high divorce rates among baby boomers, wherein baby boomers choose to stay single or, otherwise, have less number of children.
Demographic factors such as divorce and small family increase the possibility for LTC. Another problem is that it increases the financial burden of the individual in paying for those services. Quarter of the baby boomer's population have pensions and insurance. North Carolina has low savings rate of 4 percent that could make the problem worse. Currently, most residents depend on publicly-funded North Carolina long term care insurance. The majority of public health funds come from Medicaid. The N.C. Medicaid program has helped about 19% of the total state population in 2007, or equivalent to 1 out of 5 every resident in the state. About 10% and 16.2% of the total recipients were seniors and disabled. Seniors and the disabled made up almost 65 percent of total Medicaid expenditures, amounting to about $5.6 billion combined. Medicaid applicants have surged to about 2.3 percent unlike those in previous years.
The state government has been trying all means to enhance the LTC system that will meet the needs of its residents. One of the efforts the state of N.C has pushed through is the North Carolina Long Term Care Partnership. LTC Partnerships have been around since 1980s, but the state has been eying on the advantages and disadvantages of such partnership. When this partnership program became successful in other states, the North Carolina government has pursued the same policies. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Service (DHHS) boosted plans on personal financing of long-term care. The Division of Aging collaborated with the Governor's Advisory Council on Aging, the Senior Tar Heel Legislature, and other agencies to adopt the Long Term Care Insurance Partnership Program.
During the 2001 North Carolina General Assembly, the state introduced the House Joint Resolution 328. This resolution was meant to urge Congress "to adopt incentives that encourage the purchase of private long-term care insurance and to eliminate federal barriers to the expansion of Medicaid long-term care Partnership plans."
The final resolution was issued during the NC General Assembly in 2006 that passed the North Carolina Long Term Care Partnership program.

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